May 02, 2006

FREE COMIC BOOK DAY! (Saturday the 6th)

So, for all of you out there on the internets, this Saturday, I'll be taking a part in FREE COMIC BOOK DAY, doing sketches and signing and all that silliness at my favorite comic shop in the whole wide world*Captain Blue Hen Comics** in majestic Newark, Delaware.

If you don't know already, FCBD is where comic shops attempt to get people back into the hobby by giving out comics to the masses - that are made ESPECIALLY for that day, and are yeah, F-R-E-E.

So, yunno, if you thought this was about running up in a shop and boosting an arm full of low-digit Fantastic Fours, you can't.

Well, you could, but. . . yunno, let's just not go there. And don't do it where I'm at, because I don't wanna have to come at you like that. Just behave yourself.

Anyway, come check me out. I'll be out there with some of my East Coast bretheren, doing things real big.

*They didn't pay me to say that. And it may not be my favorite, but it's in the top 3. But, yunno, I never thought about it that much. But you should go anyway, because it's a great store. DO IT! GET IN THE CHOPPA!

**Go Fighting Blue Hens! It's a UDelaware thing, U Wouldn't Understand.

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